Q. Is it a Submarine or a Grinder? Or perhaps a Hero? A. All of the above.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Adventures of Mark Twain

I thought I'd throw this little gem in, it is from a 1985 stop-motion film called The Adventures of Mark Twain. And this is where is goes psycho.



A description of the movie, that you apparently need serious Schedule 1 drugs to watch, can be found here:


(they had the movie for sale in the museum shop. I am soooo buying it.)


piaps said...

wow...that was like gumby on crack

Anonymous said...

Man, that is seriously freaky!

On the imdb description of the film, this quotation is attributed to Twain:

"A harp, a hymn book and wings? Good god, what a swindle. I'm led to consider a different path. Heaven for climate, Hell for company."

Ah-mountainbike to that!

Interested Bystander said...

Alright, I'll admit that I'm a bit freaked out, right now. Just a bit...

It would appear that the full title for this movie should read The Adventures of Mark Twain, As Told by Wes Craven.

I'm not sure if the drugs would make this any less disturbing, but they couldn't make it anymore so.

Btw, I want this movie!

Kim, PbD said...

And I'm pretty sure that kid has a corncob pipe.....

Anonymous said...

According to imdb, the kids are supposed to be Tom and Becky and Huck!


Interested Bystander said...

Yeah, as I was watching it, I kind of thought that's who those kids were supposed to represent.

That would explain the corncob pipe. If I recall my Twain, Huck smoked one.

Anonymous said...

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