Seriously. This is the stuff of nightmares.
I appreciate the Hartford Advocate. I love it, in fact. But note to Advocate, PLEASE in the future do not add to all the Nightmare Fuel I already have running around in my head. You are not helping. It's on the cover for Chrissakes.
Damn, I still have not purged this from my memory the effin rabbit from the Twilight Zone Movie. Jesus.
(9 minutes and 40 seconds in is where the devil bunny appears.)
Yoicks - that is one Lapin To Be Reckoned With!
Reminds did the newspaper scandal turn out? Are you receiving your weekend NYT in peace at last?
I remember that episode....the rabbit wasn't as scary as the kid that created it.
OMG! Now, that's a scary bunny. Uh, make that two scary bunnies. Holy crap!! The cover art, alone, could give a person serious nightmares!
Btw, thanks for posting that video. I actually had purged that effin TZ rabbit from my memory. Well, until now, that is...
And, you know, those nightmare bunnies have "big, pointy teeth!"
I had one issue stolen two weeks ago, but nothing since then. I usually get my butt up and go down to get it, then back to bed.
Giant sharp teeth!
Oh, it's just a little harmless bunny!
LOL, thanks for that IB.
And Brother, the original episode is my inspiration to wish Trolls out into The Cornfield.
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