So Peter and I attended the Connecticut Ren Faire, which was awesome. I was lovingly garbed by ET, who does amazing work! What you cannot tell is, in my basket I have a cell phone and a digital camera! Oh, and a wooden spoon, for no good reason.
The Faire was great - I oohed and awed at all the amazing goods for sale - kick ass Ren Wear, sun catchers, a village smithy....Peter, the Mad Monk, bought a new woolen belt for himself, and I indulged in a cheering stick for Dame Fiona the Fearless!
I have to admit, I have not been to one of these things in a WHILE, but this one was a good one. This is the 9th Annual CT Ren Faire, and they call the little village they set up "The Shire" (of course), but it really was massive.
Sadly, the turkey legs were all gone by the time we got there. I had to content myself with Ye Olde Cheese Sticks, and the Mad Monk had shepherd's pie that confused him, "Broccoli? There's broccoli in this. " Me, "Well, it is a Ren Faire." Him, "I don't think they HAD broccoli in the Renaissance." Me, "Good question."
So some other highlights until I get to the bloodlust.
The "Poprah" Show. The only PG-13 thing I attended all day. Bawdy bawdiness, for the sake of bawdiness, and big boobs. Basically an improv show with guys dressed as various clergy members spoofing the Oprah Show. They encouraged the crowd to show their breasts. Friggin hilarious, and Mad Monk Approved (TM, pending).
Being mistaken, by an uncostumed couple, for a worker. Luckily, I knew how to point them to Ye Olde Cheese Sticks.
And, wait for it, BLOODLUST.
I cannot hold back any longer, and chant with me, "Blood Makes the Grass Grow, KILL KILL KILL!":
Way cool Kim!
Bloodlust! ...a girl after my own heart...and I didn't even need to burn a Dark Ritual for 3 extra manna to cast...
Oh, Kim, I am so jonesing for Ren Faire right now, I cannot begin to tell you! I guess I must content myself with creating pirate costumes for myself and daughter instead...
I had the fun of enjoying S. Cal. Ren Faire in Agoura - the nation's first-ever! - back in the early 80s before it became scandal-plagued and insolvent. I knew people who performed as part of the Royal Court. But, me? I came as a peasant...because, trust me, that is the ONLY garb you want to be wearing in the summer heat on a dusty, not-so-shady site in Southern California! The Denny's in Camarillo was an oasis for weary Faire-goers commuting home, to the amusement of tourists.
I'm thrilled that you had a good time and very pleased that I could adorn you appropriately for the occasion. Though, I must say, you were most conservative with the chemise in relation to the bodice...mayhaps that was in deference to your religious companion?
Well, I was with my spiritual advisor....
Kim, it sounds like you guys had a totally awesome time at the Ren Faire! Yay!!
I haven't been to one in years, either, but the one in Minnesota is great. Definitely a kick-ass, good time. It is amazing how large these things are, with tons of interesting things to see and do.
Btw, you guys look fantastic in the period costumes. Just wonderful! (Nice work on Kim's outfit, ET.) And getting mistaken for Faire staff by the commoners is really cool. Good for you!
The Poprah Show sounds rather entertaining. Bared breasts at the Ren Faire, eh? Well, I'm for it, of course...
Wow, the bloodlust video was excellent, too. You really got into that didn't you? And that is a strangely compelling chant you were doing.
"Blood Makes the Grass Grow. KILL, KILL, KILL!"
I always thought you were a bit of a pirate at heart. Of course, I mean that in the best possible way...
I'm really happy you had such a fun time.
The performers at Faire never draw the line at prudery, that's for sure! I remember watching a pair of Ren-comedians performing a skit with a carrot. One said "Now, imagine that this is a part of my body." Immediately, his partner grabbed the carrot from him, pulled out a knife, cut off about four inches of carrot and flung it into the audience. As everyone chortled a woman in the audience caught the carrot bit and he immediately yelled "No! No! Don't touch that, lady! You'll go BLIND!!" Classic, period humor, delightful mainly for how LOW it was.
At S. Cal Faire we were also treated to some of the first-ever performances of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, back before they were famous. Their five-minute Hamlet was only outdone by their five-minute Hamlet backwards.
The next time I saw them perform was at the Kennedy Center, 8 years later...
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